Send an email to CARICOM and the United Nations today! NO MILITARY INTERVENTION IN HAITI!!!

A military intervention is imminent in Haiti that would cause widespread destruction and loss of life and further entrench US domination and undermine movements towards democracy and independence. Help stop this disaster! Please take a moment to send the above email, or better yet, make a phone call TODAY to officials from CARICOM and the United Nations! Following is the text for an action from our friends at the Black Alliance for Peace:


Script for embassy Calls and Emails


Please use the below message to call or email the following Embassies: Kenya, Jamaica, The Bahamas; and/or organizations: the UN and CARICOM. Please adjust the scripts as needed.

Many thanks to the Haiti Action Committee, who’s action alert model provided help for this script.


Priority contacts

Kenya: Ambassador William Ruto

(202) 387-6101

Email: or

Twitter: @KenyaembassyDC or@ForeignOfficeKE or @StateHouseKenya

Jamaica: Ambassador Audrey Patrice Marks

(202) 452-0660


Twitter: @USEmbassyJA

The Bahamas: Ambassador Wendall K. Jones

(202) 319-2660




CARICOM Secretariat

Turkeyen Georgetown, Guyana

 Email: or

 +1(592) 222-0001

Twitter: @CARICOMorg


UN Secretary-General António Guterres

(212) 963-7160

Twitter:  @antonioguterres

Embassies: Call script

Hi representatives of [The government of Kenya/Jamaica/ The Bahamas OR the United Nations],

My name is [your name] and I am calling as [a member of [your organization], which is OR someone] concerned with your government’s decision to send police as a part of an armed intervention into Haiti. [I/We] condemn this decision wholeheartedly, and we see this as opportunism on your part and, as the Black Alliance for Peace put it, a case of “imperialism in blackface”. On August 6, dozens of Haitian social and civic leaders and organizations sent a letter to the African Union decrying this armed invasion as well. The people’s consensus is clearly against this intervention.

Instead of sending armed intervention, your government must listen to the demands of people’s movements in Haiti, and at minimum it must respect Haitian sovereignty and the right to self-determination.

Among other demands, the Haitian people and civil society organizations are calling for:

  • Establish an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country,
  • End of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government of Ariel Henry,
  • Disband of the Core Group,
  • The UN implement reparations for the UN-caused cholera epidemic,
  • The U.S. Stop ongoing deportations of Haitian refugees, and
  • The US and UN end deep financial crises resulting from the IMF-led move to remove fuel subsidies.

Thank you.

Embassies: Email script

Hi Ambassador of [name for Kenya/Jamaica/ The Bahamas],

My name is [your name] and I am contacting you as [a member of [your organization], which is OR someone] concerned with your government’s decision to send police as a part of an armed intervention into Haiti. [I/We] condemn this decision wholeheartedly, and we see this as opportunism on your part and, as the Black Alliance for Peace put it, a case of “imperialism in blackface”. On August 6, dozens of Haitian social and civic leaders and organizations sent a letter to the African Union decrying this armed invasion as well. The people’s consensus is clearly against this intervention.

Among other demands, the Haitian people and civil society organizations are calling for:

  • Establish an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country,
  • End of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government of Ariel Henry,
  • Disband of the Core Group,
  • The UN implement reparations for the UN-caused cholera epidemic,
  • The U.S. Stop ongoing deportations of Haitian refugees, and
  • The US and UN end deep financial crises resulting from the IMF-led move to remove fuel subsidies

[I/We] understand that you are not alone, but we know that members of CARICOM and other multinational groups have been pressured into supporting intervention. Your government’s willingness to be part of an intervention and description of this as Pan-Africanism is shameful, as is the failure to call out the weapons shipments coming from the U.S., U.S. corporate interests and Haitian oligarchy sponsoring of paramilitary ‘gangs’, and the UN’s ongoing reluctance to atone for the cholera epidemic that is has admitted its troops caused.

Instead of sending armed intervention, your government must listen to the demands of people’s movements in Haiti, and at minimum it must respect Haitian sovereignty and the right to self-determination. The Biden administration in the US is clearly unwilling and unable to extend this respect, so we hope that you will take a stand against the constant foreign intervention of the US, as it will undoubtedly come back around to other countries like yours as well.

Among other demands, the Haitian people and civil society organizations are calling for:

  • Establish an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country,
  • End of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government of Ariel Henry,
  • Disband of the Core Group,
  • The UN implement reparations for the UN-caused cholera epidemic,
  • The U.S. Stop ongoing deportations of Haitian refugees, and
  • The US and UN end deep financial crises resulting from the IMF-led move to remove fuel subsidies.


[Your name / Organization]

UN & CARICOM: Call Script

Hi representatives of [The United Nations OR CARICOM Secretariat],

My name is [your name] and I am calling as [a member of [your organization], which is OR someone] concerned with [The UN OR CARICOM]’s decision to support armed intervention in Haiti, which appears to be coming from Kenya, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. In doing so, you are effectively sanctioning more violence and destruction against the Haitian people. [I/We] condemn this decision wholeheartedly, and we see this as neglect of your duty to respect the sovereignty of nations and as political opportunism on your part. On August 6, dozens of Haitian social and civic leaders and organizations sent a letter to the African Union decrying this armed invasion as well. The people’s consensus is clearly against this intervention.

Among other demands, the Haitian people and civil society organizations are calling for:

  • Establish an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country,
  • End of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government of Ariel Henry,
  • Disband of the Core Group,
  • The UN implement reparations for the UN-caused cholera epidemic,
  • The U.S. Stop ongoing deportations of Haitian refugees, and
  • The US and UN end deep financial crises resulting from the IMF-led move to remove fuel subsidies.

Instead of supporting armed intervention, [The UN OR CARICOM] must listen to the demands of people’s movements in Haiti, and at minimum it must respect Haitian sovereignty and the right to self-determination.

Thank you.

UN or CARICOM: Email Script

Hi representatives of [The United Nations OR CARICOM Secretariat],

My name is [your name] and I am writing as [a member of [your organization], which is OR someone] concerned with [The UN OR CARICOM]’s decision to support armed intervention in Haiti, which appears to be coming from Kenya, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. In doing so, you are effectively sanctioning more violence and destruction against the Haitian people. [I/We] condemn this decision wholeheartedly, and we see this as neglect of your duty to respect the sovereignty of nations and as political opportunism on your part and, as the Black Alliance for Peace put it, to support a case of “imperialism in blackface”. On August 6, dozens of Haitian social and civic leaders and organizations sent a letter to the African Union decrying this armed invasion as well. The people’s consensus is clearly against this intervention.

Among other demands, the Haitian people and civil society organizations are calling for:

  • Establish an arms embargo against the Haitian and U.S. elite who import guns into the country,
  • End of support for Haiti’s installed puppet government of Ariel Henry,
  • Disband of the Core Group,
  • The UN implement reparations for the UN-caused cholera epidemic,
  • The U.S. Stop ongoing deportations of Haitian refugees, and
  • The US and UN end deep financial crises resulting from the IMF-led move to remove fuel subsidies.

[I/We] understand that you made this decision to support intervention under immense political pressure and we know that individual members of CARICOM and other multinational groups have been pressured into supporting intervention by the U.S and others. Nevertheless, [the UN/ CARICOM]’s government’s willingness to support an intervention and call on governments of African or Afro-descendant nations to take part in a “non-UN multinational operation” is shameful, as is the failure to call out the weapons shipments coming from the U.S., U.S. corporate interests and Haitian oligarchy sponsoring of paramilitary ‘gangs’, and the UN’s ongoing reluctance to atone for the cholera epidemic that is has admitted its troops caused.

Instead of supporting armed intervention, [The UN OR CARICOM] must listen to the demands of people’s movements in Haiti, and at minimum it must respect Haitian sovereignty and the right to self-determination. The Biden administration in the US is clearly unwilling and unable to extend this respect, so we hope that you will take a stand against the constant foreign intervention of the US, as it will undoubtedly come back around to other countries in the future.

[I/We] hope that [The UN OR CARICOM]  will reconsider its position, listen to the Haitian people, and respect the sovereignty and self-determination of Haiti.


[Your name / Organization]




Send an email to the White House, Congress, and the UN to demand: No US/Foreign intervention; End the US/UN occupation of Haiti; No sanctions on Haiti; stop US support for police, prison, and border militarization; stop deporting Haitian refugees


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