To the honorable Mr. António Guterres, United Nations General Secretary,
To the honorable members of the International Law Commission,
To the honorable Prof. Alena Douhan, UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights,
To the honorable Mr. Livingstone Sewanyana, Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order,
We, as organizations and individuals in defense of human rights, peace, and international law, are writing to you to express our concern about the constant threats to world peace and security posed by the repeated assassination plots registered against the constitutional president of Venezuela, Mr. Nicolás Maduro Moros.
As you are well aware, President Maduro is an internationally protected person under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including diplomatic agents. This convention establishes the obligation of states to ensure the protection of persons holding high-level positions in the government, including the Head of State.
The convention also establishes that states must prevent, investigate, and punish acts of violence against such persons. Despite these international obligations, we have observed how the assassination attempts against President Maduro have gone largely ignored.
These acts of violence not only endanger the life of an internationally protected person but also the democratic order of Venezuela, as well as regional and global peace and stability. In this regard, we respectfully request to you the opening of a full investigation into these assassination attempts in Venezuela and to hold responsible parties accountable.
It is important to acknowledge that these assassination plots are taking place in a country that is subject to over 900 unilateral coercive measures. These measures threaten Venezuela's right to development and contradict the principles of sovereignty affirmed in the Charter of the United Nations.
We appreciate your attention to this urgent matter and trust that you will take steps to prevent the establishment of a dangerous precedent that would compromise international peace and security.
This coming July 28, popular will and peace will prevail in Venezuela's elections.
Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) (USA/int'l); Freedom Road Socialist Organization (USA); Codepink (USA); Task Force on the Americas (USA); Haïti Liberté (USA); Venezuela Solidarity Network (USA); National Jericho Movement (USA); All-African People's Revolutionary Party (AAPRP-GC) (int'l); Philippines-Bolivarian Venezuela Friendship Association (USA); New York Peace Council (USA); The ProLibertad Freedom Campaign (USA); Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (UK); Church of Santa Cruz - Holyrood (USA); Radhames Morales Ministry of Solidarity with the Peoples (USA); Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA) (USA); Friends of Latin America (FoLA) (USA); Workers World Party (WWP) (USA); International Action Center (USA); Bayan-Philippines New Patriotic Alliance, Teodoro Casiño (USA); Barbados-Cuba Friendship Association (USA); Barbados Industrial and General Workers Union (USA); Coordinadora Americana por los Derechos de los Pueblos y Víctimas de la Persecución Política (int'l); Fundación Lazos de Dignidad (FLD) (Colombia); School of Americas Watch (SOA Watch) (USA); Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Canada); Cooperation Jackson (USA); Chicago ALBA Solidarity (USA); Minnesota Anti-War Committee (USA); Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (ATC) (Nicaragua); Troika Kollective (USA); Centro Cultural Político Deportivo El Maestro Bronx (USA); Fuerza de la Revolución New York City (USA); Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ) NYC (USA); United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) (USA); Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) (Canada); Black Lives Matter Oklahoma City (BLM-OKC) (USA); Frente Hugo Chávez (Canada); Los Ronderos de las Redes (USA); Critical Perspectives on Democracy and Media in the American Hemisphere, UC Berkeley (USA); Clinica Martin-Baro San Francisco, CA (USA); Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle (Canada); Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition (USA/int’l); Kickapoo Peace Circle (USA); Jemez Peacemakers (USA); Cuba-Inside-Out (USA); KnowledgePanel (USA); Rochester Committee for Latin America (ROCLA) (USA); Environmentalists Against War (USA); United Church of Christ (USA); School of Americas Watch (SOA Watch) in Austin (USA); Party of Communists (USA); Australia Solidarity with Latin America (Australia); Organization for the Victory of the People (OVP) (Guyana); Orinoco Tribune (Venezuela); Free Alex Saab Movimiento (int'l); Asociación Americana de Juristas (int'l); Rock Against the Fascist State (USA); Australia Venezuela Solidarity Network - Brisba (AVSN) (Australia); Twin Cities Nonviolent (USA); Cardinur Group, LLC.; Vrede Met Venezuela Nederland (Netherlands); Portland Central America Solidarity Committee (PCASC); Toronto Forum on Cuba; Hugo Chávez People's Defense Front Southwest Chapter (Canada); The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (USA); Benedictine University Faculty Senate (USA); Mid-Missouri Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR) (USA); Canada-Cuban Friendship Association (Canada); Convener of Rochester Committee for Latin America (ROCLA); Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) (USA); Grace United Church of Christ (USA); Green Renaissance - Sovereign Rights Movement (GRSRM) (USA), Communist Party - Baltimore Club (CPUSA) (USA); Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice (USA); Green Party of New Orleans (USA); Vrede Met Venezuela NL (Netherlands); Solidarity International (Germany); Benedictine University Faculty Senate (USA); Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network (int’l); Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCIF-PFS) (Sierra Leone/int’l); Bolivarian Circle Luis Riel Toronto (Canada); Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace and Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BACP-BLUE) (USA); Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice (USA); Chicago Anti-War Coalition (CAWC) (USA); Socialist Action (USA); National Network on Cuba (NNOC) (USA)
Professor Alfred de Zayas, former UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order; Roger Waters of Pink Floyd; former political prisoner Oscar López Rivera; Dan Kovalik, international human rights lawyer; Ignacio Ramonet, academic, writer, honorary president of ATTAC (France); Atilio Borón, sociologist; Charly Hardy, former Senate candidate for the Democratic Party in Wyoming (USA); Judy Sheridan Gonzalez, President of the NYC Nurses Union; Gail Walker, Executive Director of Pastors for Peace (IFCO) (USA); Ike Nahem, member of New York-New Jersey Cuba Si Coalition (USA); Dr. Jahangir Khan, President of Bangladesh Tri-Continental Solidarity Campaign For Venezuela (Bangladesh); Carlos Montes, community organizer in Los Angeles (USA); Mr. Peter Purich, technical writer; Joel Lorimer; Patty McGrath; Rev. Carolyn Horvath; Bill Breihan, member of United Steelworkers (USA); Sally Laporte; Corey Schade, attorney; Jean Hopkins; John G. Miller; Joan H. Nicholson; Jim Yarbrough, member of Housing Now - Ashland, Oregon (USA); Doug Landau; Rev. Christine Payden-Travers; John Nettleton, retired educator; Ilya T.; Arlene Hickory; Patricia de Larios; Sam Wherry; Nicolas J. S. Davies, journalist; Mr. Larry Mellick; Eric Robson; Buzz Davis, member of Veterans for Peace (VFP) in Tucson (USA); Joseph Hayes; Mr. Terrence Ward; Martha Lujan; Derrick Sosa; Ms. Kathryn Hill, human rights activist; Susan Mortimer; Marta Guttenberg; Terry Phelan; Luce Dugusy; Ms. Cathy Wootan; Charles Byrne; Gianira Illescas, member of Pex al Lado del Corazon (Peru); Matthew Iskra; Catherine M Stanford; Manuel Pardo, Secretary of Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (int’l); Anna Maria Roy; Priscilla Felia; David Mitchell; Harold Watson; Lawrence C. Hager, member of Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Atlanta (UUCA) (USA); Peter Townsend of Canine Townsend; Elizabeth K. Guthrie; Mark Smith; Hazel McCoy; Jose Treto; Robert Siegel, management consultant; Yolanda Catzalco, retired teacher; Kay M. Randall; Kenneth Lederman; Elizabeth Story; Reverend Sophia Keller, RN, MA and member of Fellowship of Mercy (USA); Michael Eisenscher, publisher and member of Solidarity INFO Service (int’l); Mr. Ordell Vee; Denise Lytle; Anne Streeter; Marlena Santoyo, member of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (int’l); Steve Ditore; Phillip Fujiyoshi; Huayra Forster, artivist; Nicholas Mantas; Shiela Cockshott; Ana Gayfield; Mr. Foster Goodwill; Mr. Joseph Contardo; Mark Bradley Cappetta; Mr. Theodore Voth; Donald B Fanning; Sue Staehli; Frank Scott; Patrick McCann, former National President of Veterans for Peace (VFP) (USA); Don Hon; Dr. Tammy King; Bob Martin; Joy Ellen Booth, member of Friends of Latin America (FoLA) (USA); Ron Unger, engineer; Nina Serrano; Mr. David Nichols; Victor Nepomnyashchy; Paul Lenart, member of Northern Nevada Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) (USA); John Mark Robertson; Gerry Milliken; Ken Luckhardt, retired trade union representative; Peter Schutz; Ronald Brown; Caterina Lai Cullinane, Carol Collins; Lydia Garvey; Ernst Mecke, PhD; Rosemarie Sawdon; Frank A. Brincka; Peter O. Childs; Julie Skelton; Dirk Groenenberg, farmer; Mr. Russ Ziegler; Susan Oehler; Ms. Fiona McOwan, member of Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom (WILPF) Climate Justice Workgroup (UK); Dr. Martin Mowforth, member of Environmental Network for Central America (ENCA) (UK); Michael Wong, retired social worker; Kenji Granberry, organizer for Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) (USA); Glen R. Williams; Steve Overton; Wolf Goehring; Betsie Weil; Kathryn Christian; Rita Meuer; Lauren Mueller; Dr. Larry Sherk; Dr. Jorge Sorger, retired university professor; Keith Brooks; Vicki Fox, retired history teacher; Rowland A. Selame of RAS Film Production; Burton Steck; Mr. Richard Blake; Dr. Timothy Post, clinical psychologist; Nila Heredia, member of Asociacion Latinoamericana de Medicina Social, (ALAMES) (Bolivia); M. Sunny Robinson, RN and member of Massachussets Peace Action (MAPA); Bear Albrecht, member of Veterans for Peace (VFP) (USA); Ginny Schneider; Ms. Gloria Garcia; Youri Smouter, producer of 1+1 hosted by Youri Smouter; Margaret Murphy; Lawrence Zweig, member of Solidarity International (Germany); Rae Street; Jessica L. Ryan, community organizer; Dr. George Weissmann; Lacey Hicks; Ms. Sherrill Futrell; Jean Marwick; Fred Lavy; Joseph Wasserman, social worker; Frances Lynch; Pamela Bond; Carol E. Gay, member of New Jersey State Industrial Union Council (IUC) (USA); Ms. Maureen Sheahan; Mike Madden; Bob Reynolds; Ms. Lupe Torre; Sharon Kelly; Elizabeth Zumchak; Roger Kulp; Marcy J. Gordon; James R. Miles; Nelly Takla-Wright, member Massachusetts Public Banking, Cambridge Residents Alliance (CRA), Cambridge Housing Justice Coalition and Newton-San Juan del Sur Nicaragua Sister City Project (USA); Ms. Nancy Cowger; Harry Kershner; John Bowen; Dolores Welty; Dr. Lee Artz, Director of Center for Global Studies, Purdue University Northwest (USA); Mr. Richard Rosen; Nancy Lyles; Debra Rehn; Dorothea Leicher; Mrs. Belcastro; Steven Andrychowski; Dr. Adrianne Aron; Fern Tishman, member of 9/11/01 Truth and Justice (USA); Margo Wyse; Peter Alex, carpenter; Larry Skwarczynski, Chair of Veterans for Peace (VFP) Chapter #126 (USA); Calli Madrone; Elizabeth Watts; Leonardo Flores; Kathryn Albrecht, community organizer in New Mexico and print columnist; Barbara Larcom, Coordinator of Casa Baltimore/Limay (USA); Charlie Keller, activist and researcher in Providence (USA); Omar Shah; S. A. Linden; Yhamir Chabur, member of Troika Collective (USA/int’l); Dr. D L Brooks; Dr. Carol Ann Cobb, M.D. and retired physician; Mr. Kirk Bails; Marquis Robinson; Hugo Vreven; Demetrios Koutsoufis, member of Artistes pour La Paix (France); Ms. Karyn Barry; Susan Mirsky; Luis Sarellano; Sylvia Barnard; Azrael Engels; Brian Mitchell; Robert Schwartz, member of Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) (USA); Jill Clark-Gollub, member of Friends of Latin America (FoLA) (USA); Ms. Susan Stout; M.J. Baumann; Prof. Elana Levy; Chris Kaihatsu of RedMarx (int’l); Dr. Thomas Muhr of Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Avenida das Forças Armadas (ISCTE) (Portugal); Michael Boone; Lisa Lilley; Pierre LeBlanc, member of Canadian Campaign of Venezuelans and Friends Against Sanctions (Canada); Fermain Lahorgue; Lynn Shoemaker, retired teacher; Kimi Wei, CEO of The Wei LLC (USA); Maryellen Redish; Barbara Waldern, Coordinator of Venezuela Peace and Solidarity Committee of Vancouver (VPSC) (Canada); Mr. John M. Feeney; Maureen F. McDermott; Frederick Trost, Pastor of United Church of Christ (UCC) (USA); Mr. Hamid Oucherfi; Dr. Timothy F. Havel; Clara Irazabal, PhD, Professor, Director at University of Maryland (UMD), College Park (USA); Judy Fudge; Claude Marks, Co-Director Freedom Archives (USA); Jon Olsen; Ms. Dawn Albanese; Donald Walsh; Katherine Davis; Geralyn Leannah; Pheary Watkins; Kevin Lindemann; Sally LaPorte; Patricia de Larios; Mr. Larry Mellick; Martha Lujan; Terry Phelan; Luce Dugusy; Kathy Bradley; Harold Watson; Yolanda Catzalco, retired teacher; Joshua Angelus; Ms. Akiba Timoya; Sarah Martin, member of Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA) (USA); Mary Bunting; Joe Emersberger; Prof. Emeritus Harry Smaller. Ph.D, member of York University Faculty Association (YUFA) (Canada); Alina Dollat; Ray W. Cage; Kenneth Ruby; Blake R. Cornett; Kathy Shores; Victoria Cervantes, member of Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) (int’l); Michael Phillips; Ms. Carol Devoss; Mary Lebert; Dr. Bonnie M. Benson; Dale Fink, retired professor; Bob Clark; Elena Espinosa; Adam Barrington; Travis Frampton; S. A. Linden; Jacqueline Villagomez; Matt Chase Richmond; Mrs. Elizabeth Smith; Mr. Courtney Childs; Judith Ackerman; Joanne M. James; Mario Fernandez; Gilbert R. Leib; Tim Jeffries; Patrick Rousseau; Jerry Pendergast, member of U.S.-El Salvador Sister Cities (USA); Lynn C. Lang, MS; Nancy Eberg; Gary Thaler; Hans Homann; John F. Corcoran; Derrick Schnur of Bright View, Inc.; Mary Anne Paul; Susan Ghirardi; T. P. Jeffrey; Nancy Feraldi; Jelly Plums; Elio Mugnaini; Daniel McCurdy, member of Nicaragua Solidarity Network (int’l); Guillermo Kuhl; Marlon Nunez, member of Venezuela Solidarity Network (VSN) (int’l) and Denver Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) (USA); Dr. Mark Ginsburg, Visiting Scholar at University of Maryland (USA); Lourdes Vela; Maria Pauthner; Betty Lotterman; Elizabeth Lee, member of Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) (Canada); Susan McLucas, teacher and peace activist; Farzad Qmehr; Milo Matthews; Tom Neilson, Ed.D. and founder. of Tom Neilson Music; Mr. Gregory Lee Klave; Ms. Fern Tishman of 9/11/01 Truth and Justice (USA); Johanna Cummings; Ms. Arlene Schutz; Ms. Rosemary K. Coffey; Wilton Vought, media activist; Evelyn Tischer; Mr. Bob Heaney; Dr. Thomas Muhr, social scientist and researcher; Steve Wise; Mr. Mel Templet; Charlie Kaften; Richard Monarch; Mara Farmer, member of Point Pleasant Democratic Club; Elaine Hickman; Tom Gogan, retired union organizer; Sheila Amoo-Gottfried; Brian Mitchell; Susan Klein, retired bookbinder; Nora Roman; Elizabeth Oram; Nan McCurdy, missionary; Maure Briggs; Carol I Moeller Costa, member of Task Force on the Americas (USA); Hollis Higgins; Michael Bass, activist; Gretchen Johnson; Paul Dix; Owe Ohlzon; Theresa M. Cameranesi, R.N.; Stephen Abbott, M.A.Sc., Public Health Engineer; Dalal Qamheiah; ,Claudia Eyzaguirre member of Miami Democratic Socialists of America (DSA); Derrick Schnur; Marco Fernandez; Ms. Barbara Kauffman; Mr. Bill Love; Kim Grunden; Adam Isaac; Catherine Podojil, human rights activist; Annette Lengyel; Lily Benavides; Christy Breihan, member of Wisconsin Coalition to Normalize Relations with Cuba (WICUBA) (USA); Mrs. Mddeline Perkins; Derek Benedict; Demetrios Koutsoufis; Dee Halzack, peace activist; David Paul, member of Sanctions Kill Campaign (int’l); M. J. Baumann; Prof. Elena Levy; Jelica Roland; Andrew C. Mills; Mr. Robert Noval; Linda Ferland; Syd Locke; Mr. Peter von Christierson; Fred Mills, professor of philosophy; Paul Markillie; Richard Han; Barbara Willetts; Jeannette Bartelt; Edward Acosta; Jaszmene Smith; Robert Gibb; Cheryl Eames; Gary Erb; Laurie LaGoe; Gordon Philip Baldwin; Günter Krause; Kiana Fok; Félix Kury; Richard Burrill; Gérard Chouchoud; Karen Deora; Derek Gendvil; Bob Bowes; Jane Chischilly; Allan Brison; Don Turstin Timmerman; Roberta Turstin Timmerman; Joseph Blum; Silvana Borrelli; Lana Henson; Richard Creswell; Susan Hüttig; Birgit Hermann; Mauricio Jimenez; Tina Liakopoulos; Barry Kissen; Kevin Leys; Dr.Jörg Schröder; Ronald Waddell; Lidya Damte; Argentina Erdman; Bruce Ross; Dawn Albanese; Susan Lagos, retired teacher; Nereida Ferran, M.D.; Joel Lorimer; Mr. James E. Jessup; Phil Rockey; Armin Wright; Rober Card; Betty Davis, member of New Abolitionist Movement (USA); Janet Mayes, PhD Psychologist; Bagong Alyansang Makabayan USA (BAYAN USA); Raquel Brac; Dr. José Luis Moragues, member of Campagne Civile Internationale pour la Protecton du Peuple Palestinien (CCIPPP34) (France); Gregory Garza; John Miller; Joan H. Nicholson; Jim Yarbrough, activist and member of Housing Now in Ashland, Oregon (USA); Carol I. Moeller Costa, member of Task Force on the Americas (USA); Christopher Helali, International Secretary of Party of Communists USA (PCUSA); John Nettleton, retired educator; Rod Zwirner, member of Veterans for Peace (VFP) (USA); Eileen Weitzman; Barbara Willetts, member of Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) (Canada); Mr. M. C. Kubiak; Babette Grunow, Director of Latin America Solidarity Committee Milwaukee (USA); Ed Broomfield of Rock Against the Fascist State; Mr. Larry Mellick; Steve Livingston; Stanley Kaster; Martha Lujan; Rev. John Surinchak of Santa Venetia Ministries (USA); Patricio A Villagomez; Kenneth Ruby; Mr. Jeffrey Jones; Khemis Ezibon, human rights activist and member of Agricultural Resilience Initiatives (Sudan/Uganda); Susan Mortimer; Sandra Glasbeek; Terry Phelan; Jim Becklund; Luci Murphy, organizer for DC-Maryland-Virginia Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) (USA); Ms. Cathy Wootan; Dr. Isaac Christiansen; Kerby Miller; Priscilla Felia; Ivan Braun; Jeanine Maland; Kathy Shores; Emily Greene, activist; Anthony Hintze; H. Hardouf; Dennis DiTullio; Aye Aye Soe Win; George L. Pauk M.D.; George Prudent; Lee Foulkes, teacher and independent journalist; Mr. Thomas Hatch; Maureen McCarthy, member of Service Employees International Union (SEUI) (int’l); Kenneth Lederman; Rev. Sophia Keller, R.N., M.A., member of Fellowship of Mercy (USA); Ordell T. Vee, JR., member of American Postal Workers Union (USA); Denise Lytle; Nino Pagliccia, author & political analyst, member of Frente Hugo Chavez (Canada); Anne Streeter; Gayle Nielson; Fagie Fainman, B.A., M.A., LLB.; Christopher Lish; Nancy Wallace Nelson, chavista; Petros Bein, United Panther Party (UPP) (USA); Nicholas Mantas; Ana Gayfield; Dr. Adrienne Pine, member of U.S. Peace Council (USA); Timothy Lauby; Angela Vera, retired Guidance Counselor; Bishop Filipe Cupertino Teixeira of Diocese Saint Francis of Assisi, CCA (USA); Michael Phillips; Rufus Polson; Alex Cox; Judith Lienhard; Nicholas Schmader; Andrew C. Mills, member of Witness for Peace (WFP) (USA); Dr.Tammy King of Americlense Technologies (USA); Patrick Rousseau; Gerard Couchoud; Scott Vincent; Ms. Carol Devoss; Michael Otto, member of Workers World Party (WWP) (USA); Paul Lenart, member of Northern Nevada Democratic Socialists of America (NNDSA) (USA); Larry Mjolsness; Ainsel N.; Jennifer Sullivan, Chairperson of the Hernando County Green Party of Florida (USA); Linda Ferland; Al Shayne; Jean Bails, BSN; Kristen Jackson; Ernst Mecke, PhD; Frank A. Brincka; Cindy Domingo; Guy Liston; Stan Squires; Norma J. F. Harrison of Peace and Freedom Party (USA); Mr. Russ Ziegler; Michael Castelli; Mary Krupa; Mercedes Cervantes; Kenji Granberry, organizer for Black Youth Project 100 (USA); Mark Hollinrake; Henry Kanjobe Mwandemere of Baobab Consulting (int’l); David Ortiz Alburquerque; Betsie Weil; Joan Maiers; Laurie Funaroff, retired teacher; Rico Gutstein, member of Teachers for Social Justice (TSJ) Chicago (USA); C. T. Weber; Dale Fink, retired professor; Heike Boulet; Jorge Ordonez, Venezuelan musician in Los Angeles, Jazz Moves Band (USA); Tim Oxton, member of Unite Community trade union (UK); Mike Antoiades; Howard Pflanzer; Dr Jorge Sorger, retired professor; Keith Brooks; Mr. Peter von Christierson; Elio Mugnaini; Jarret Wolfman; Amara Goodspeed; Mrs. Jennifer Kidman; Elizabeth Smith; Burton Steck; Bara Berg, M.D., peace activist; Dr. Theodosia Woods; Yusuf M. Timol; Bob Clark; Kit Andrews; Patricia Wilson; Lawrence Fisk; Ginny Schneider; Linda Helland; Arnold August, journalist with International Manifesto Group Editorial (int’l); Carelia Drake Rivero; Rick Sterling, journalist and observer for Venezuela’s 2015 & 2020 elections; Lawrence Zweig, National Board Member of Solidarity International (Germany); Sherrill Futrell; Eunice Mina Escobar, member of Coalition in Solidarity with Latin America; Richard L. Giovanoni; Dr. F Taylor, member of Benedictine University Faculty Senate (USA); Daniel Shea, President of Veterans For Peace (VFP) PDX Chapter 72 (USA); Marcus K.; Joseph Wasserman, social worker; Mr. Gregory Lee Klave, member of Minnesota Cuba Committee (USA); Frances Lynch; Fern Tishman, member of 9/11/01 Truth and Justice (USA); Robert Keilbach, member of Veterans For Peace (VFP) NYC Chapter 34 (USA); Jon McFarlane, civil rights activist; Bob Reynolds, activist and retired union officer; Richard Creswell; Steve Sleeper, disabled veteran; Jill Hinkemeyer; Mr. Richard Van Aken; Dwayne R Thomas, panel member of KnowledgePanel (USA); Linda Ray; James R. Miles; Christina M. Schiavoni of the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague (int’l); Christina M. Schiavoni, human rights activist; Harry Kershner; Dolores Welty; Amaia Goni; Mr. Steven Andrychowski; Arnold Carter, Pastors for Peace (IFCO) (USA); Alan P. Donohue; Katherine Vasquez of Workers World Organization (int’l); Travis Frampton; Atilio Boron; Tatiana Bejar; J.L. Angell; Dr. Scott Reed; Enver Domingo, member of Oakville Palestinian Rights Association (USA); Leila Shams; Derek Benedict; Chawki Irving, member of Friends of Latin America (FoLA) (USA); Aisha Mohammad, member of Oakland Jericho Movement (USA); John Martinez; Sam Bradley; Demos Koutsoufis; Clark Peters, member of Service Employees International Union (SEUI) 1199NE (USA); Diane Keefauver, member of Communist Party USA; T. F. Gogan; Sheila Amoo-Gottfried, member of Environmental Network for Central America (ENCA) (USA); Brian Mitchell; Susan Stout; Sue Bastian; Matt Chase Richmond; Ahmad Rabbie of New Era Technology (USA); F. Christophe Silvera, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 808 (USA); Chris Kaihatsu of RedMarx (int’l); Frederick S. Royce; Mr. Strickland Joseph; Lynn Shoemaker, human rights activist and retired teacher; Gerry Condon, member of the Board of Directors for Veterans for Peace (VFP) (USA); Amy Harlib, member of Yoga For Peace, Justice, Harmony With the Planet (int’l); Jayna Deniece Fleming of Gifted Treasures by Deniece; John M. Feeney; Marta Barbosa; Frederick Trost, Pastor at the United Church of Christ (USA); Timothy Havel, PhD; Ray Cage; Mr. Robert Noval; David Yue, J.D., M.D., Ph.D., P.E.; Miriam Kurland; Ms. Dawn M. Albanese; Nan McCurdy, missionary and editor of NicaNotes; Robert Gold; Dr. Sergio Monteiro; Anher Ordonez; Elaine Marie Kinch, Co-Chair of Racine Coalition for Peace & Justice (USA); Rev. Alan Sarte, Coordinator of Peace for Life (int’l); Pastor Luis Barrios; Natalia Burdyńska Schuurman, Program Coordinator for Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) (USA/int’l)
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